directing your life instead of being in the audience empowers your choices to be life happy

Directing Your Life

directing your life instead of being in the audience empowers your choices to be life happy

Are you directing your life from centre stage or from in the audience?

Adjusting the lights, your energy, checking your script and taking a seat in the directors chair will give you a whole new perspective.

I’ve been blessed and delighted to have been part of the marketing team for a Peterborough musical theatre non for profit society over the last few months. I was also lucky to get a seat (as all performances were a sell out!) and it reminded me of the show of our life and to remind you to check in as to where you are in your current production.

  1. Are you on the stage playing out life?

  2. Are you working on the direction, choreography and lighting?

  3. Or Are you taking your seat and simply watching as life happens in front of you?

I wrote ‘Love: Your Stage’ (page 90) in belifehappy: give. play. love. learn back in May 2010. The message in this short story was about the stage follow spot light being within you, representing your love of yourself and your life.  It asked you about which character you are playing and how this represents you and finally to ask you whether you are following the script or ad-libbing?

The production lights enhance and bring the characters alive on stage for the audience to connect with. This is just the same as in our day to day life. The light and energy you generate surrounds you and others will either be drawn to your light or walk away. When we lose our inner light or we are absorbing and using the energy and light from those around us (draining them of their light) we project a very mixed energy which other people react to in just the same confused and mixed way. This is where relationships either at home or professionally are effected by misunderstandings.

Getting back to directing your life again

Stepping off the stage and into the Directors chair you can gain a new perspective. It is your show after all so this is the time to take a look and review your production:

  1. Are the lights bright enough? Are they blinding or enhancing?
  2. Is the script you are working from getting you the responses you want?
  3. Are the props supporting you or do some need changing or replacing?
  4. What do the other people on the stage with you look and feel like?
  5. Is the scenery and representing the world you see or want to be in?

You can change and adjust the lighting, the script, the props, the sets and the people – you are the director and you are the principle character. Changing, enhancing, replacing are good things – anything that is supporting you and your health and wellbeing is good.

Other cast and crew might get upset by the changes you make in your role as director, however their upset is about the change to them. There will be some cast who love the lighting changes for example and others who find it just too bright. Some will like the changes to the script, others will not. You know this already, and this is YOUR show;

“when your show is not playing out in the way you wanted it to, only you as the Director can step off the stage, review the production and then make the changes.”

Remember when you are directing your life, as with all productions as Director you can choose to have an Assistant Director. Think of this role as a life coach; here to listen and guide you to reveal the answers already within you.



Emma Lannigan is the author of the self help and motivational book belifehappy: give. play. love. learn. Emma hosts workshops and works 1-1 with clients who want to reconnect, recharge and empower their inner happiness.