Over coming the fear of the unknown

Fear of the Unknown

The most common block my clients come up against is a fear of the unknown, and uncertainty of the future.

The block that we know is there, we just can’t seem to move it. In fact because we don’t know what it is, that makes it even harder to move. As a result, after pushing a few times it becomes mentally and physically exhausting, so you try a new way.

Avoiding the fear of the unknown can be a great strategy when you actually don’t want to make any changes. With avoidance you can now have a completely new approach that keeps you away from where you want to be. That’s not what you want though, is it?

So is it the fear of the unknown or fear of success that is blocking your path?

You know where you are right now and you’ve decided it’s not where you would like to be.

You know you want something different like:

  • trying to be on time
  • losing weight
  • getting more customers
  • being more successful in your relationships

And this is great. Then you ask ‘How am I going to do this?’ right? You’re not.

You might make some headway and then it’ll get a bit fuzzy then it will be easier to just keep on trying.

So is the block a fear of the unknown or known?

With the list of wants above there is an unknown, the outcomes are not specific enough for you to know when they did happen that they had happened.

Also when we move away from something we don’t want and it is a loss, we translate that into a lack of. Our unconscious doesn’t want you to have a lack of anything so will do the opposite! So when you lose weight what are you doing? You are slimmer.

“I am slimmer by 2lbs this week,” instead of “I lost 2lbs this week.”

Being more successful in relationships – this is positive, except what is successful and what is a relationship to you?(Success can only be measured by you.)

Getting Specific Means Results

So what happens when you achieve your specific wants? You have a specific picture of your ideal customers/ partner, their characteristics and what relationship you want to have with them; how does success feel and sound like when you look to the future?

So I ask again is the fear of the unknown or fear of success?
Why do you want this specific outcome?
What will it give you in your life?

Sometimes the block isn’t even yours! Take a look around the people you spend most of your time with at home, socially and at work. Who actually wants to see you succeed? What is the impact on others in their eyes when you succeed?

“Any positive changes you make in your life will ultimately have a positive effect on those people you love and they love you.”

It’s a change of perspective that can lift a block out our your path. It might feel uncomfortable as you honour your outcomes, however people adjust in their own time, are you really going to let someone else hold you back?

Think of the block as an opportunity for you to be really clear why you want what’s on the other side, then you’ll be amazed at how easily it will disappear and allow you through.

The fear of the unknown can be diminished as soon as you are specific and honest about what it is you want.

Do you need some help removing your blocks? Work with Emma Lannigan, author of belifehappy: give. play. love. learn and reconnect with your inner happiness to get the outcomes you want.