
belifehappy offers online and hybrid Self Healing with Reiki Courses, in person Professional Reiki Training, Energy Healing Mentorship and Distance Healing Sessions.

Learn from belifehappy's own philosophy of finding inner happiness for a lifetime to enhance your wellbeing.

Emma Lannigan - Empowered Living

Give. Play. Love. Learn

belifehappy with Reiki

Learn to self heal in mind, body and soul with belifehappy and Reiki.

This unique programme has been created for you to access many energy healing techniques and mindset tools to assist in your own self and soul energy development.

This is a programme for YOU. It's not for professional practice.

Lifetime access and a community to connect to.

Energy Healing, Reiki, Quantum healing, Emma Lannigan
Reiki Healing, Energy Mentor, Emma Lannigan, Stamford, Peterborough

Professional Reiki Training

Learning Reiki can be for your own development and also for you to share in your professional field.

Reiki is a great stand alone therapy offering deep relaxation, aiding sleep, digestion, IBS. reducing anxiety, emotionally supporting bereavements and life changes and much more.

As a therapy it is very complimentary with other touch therapies like massage, reflexology and other talking therapies like counselling and coaching.

Reiki with it's harmonising and calming effects is great in Schools, Nurseries, Hospitals, Hospices, Care Homes.

Professional Training is available 1:1 off site or in small groups on site. There is a mix of in person and online live training required with case studies and on going supervision offered.

All training meets National Occupational Standards and Guidelines and this Reiki Lineage is certified by the Reiki Association.

Reiki Mentorship

In Reiki, the only taught energy healing system with a lineage, you will always have your Reiki Master Teacher to connect with.

However for many reasons Reiki Teacher's move, leave an area, step back from energy work and you can find yourself without the guidance and someone who gets what you are saying.

As part of the Professional Training and NOS guidelines, a set number of mentoring hours is provided for each level of training.

After that you can book Reiki and Energy Healing Mentoring Sessions with Emma.

Emma has over 16 years of experience working professionally with Reiki and Energy Healing and a wealth of business experience.

Portrait Emma
Energy Mentor and Life Coaching with Emma Lannigan

Distance Healing

Distance Energy Healing with Reiki is a very effective way to support daily stress and life's changes.

Reiki and Energy Healing has no time or space limitations and allows healing to be sent via distance to you in the comfort of your own home.

You can read about and choose from our belifehappy Reiki and Energy Healing Professionals and book online.



After experiencing another big life change in 2008, Emma made it her mission to reconnect to her inner happiness. Having recovered from her own experiences of anxiety and depression, and watching other friends, family and colleagues experience these mental illnesses too; Emma wanted to find a lasting happiness to be life happy.

Energy Mentor and Life Coaching with Emma Lannigan

belifehappy Steps


Give: understanding the balance of giving and receiving across all areas of your life.

Play: rediscover adventure, fun and creativity and add more play into your day.

Love: take notice of your physical, emotional and mental self care and love yourself inside out.

Learn: have greater self awareness of your values, thoughts, words and actions and your choices.

Lots of great tips and techniques to keep your life in balance and encourages you to step back and take in what's around you.

Access your inner peace with belifehappy

What is belifehappy?

belifehappy was created in 2008 in an answer to Emma's own personal quest to find inner happiness for a lifetime. A self healing journey that had started for her in 2007 after years of high levels of anxiety.

Four words were given through channelling to Emma: give, play, love, learn. These became belifehappy's philosophy and 4 simple steps to finding inner happiness for a lifetime.

belifehappy launched in December 2009 with a wellbeing website and blog. There were daily blogs written around the 4 steps and featured guest wellness experts from across the UK.

By 2011 Emma had a change to move back to the UK and her daily writing wrapped up. In 2012 Emma realised a childhood dream and started preparing her blogs into a book, which launched in 2015.

A series of workshops supported the book for individuals and corporate businesses. Emma built up a successful wellbeing and coaching practice, and teaching Reiki all the way to 2019. It was then her sister was diagnosed with secondary cancer and passed away. We all know what happened in 2020 and 2021.

Emma continued with her training, developing her connection and healing facilitation through the Akashic Records and Quantum Healing, studying and practicing since 2021.

In 2025 belifehappy celebrates 10 years of the book and takes on a new evolution as a Self Healing and Professional Reiki Training & Mentorship School. With the aim to share the wisdom of Reiki and Energy Healing practices for individuals and in educational, care settings and developing more professional practitioners.


[Emma trained in Reiki Level 1 in February 2009, Level 2 in June 2009, and Master Practitioner in April 2010. Becoming a Reiki Teacher in 2017. Emma is qualified ITEC Holistic Massage Therapist with an Anatomy and Physiology Diploma. A NLP and Hypnotherapist Practitioner. Emma is also a Business and Marketing Consultant.]