Reiki and wellbeing from Emma Lannigan

Manage pain with reiki

I’ve often been asked how clients can manage pain with reiki. During a recent reiki session one client experienced the release of pain from an injury and I’d like to share this with you.

When any of my clients arrive we always do a review of their consultation notes to check if there are any changes. On this occasion my client had not mentioned any physical injuries.

During the reiki session where the client was lying on a treatment couch, fully clothed and covered in a light blanket, I noticed the left hip area was drawing my attention. I later returned to this area to direct additional healing and deliver what is sometimes referred to as a spot reiki treatment (as the reiki healing energy is directed to a targeted area.)

Once the session had ended and the client was sat up and drinking a glass of water, I asked about the hip area and whether they had been experiencing any pain or tension in this area. The client confirmed they had a small injury and ‘how funny it was this had been picked up’ during the session.

After the session and later in the day the client had got in contact with me and commented: “I’m not sure what the reiki did to my hip during the treatment. Usually I feel quite tired and sleepy after my reiki sessions, but today I felt like I needed to go for a run. I thought to myself if my hip hurts I’ll just walk, but I was able to run the whole route with no pain.”

How does reiki manage pain?

The UK Reiki Federation explains;

‘The bio-magnetic energy (or field) flowing from a practitioner’s hands has been shown to induce current flows in the tissues and cells of individuals who are in close proximity but this pulsing energy is not produced by non-practitioners of energy healing techniques.’ Read more here

There are also a few more reasons including;

‘A theory that energy healing works by opening up the communication channels that enable cells in the body to talk to each other, and opening up the terrain through which cells are able to migrate to places where they are needed to initiate repair or to fight diseases.’

Another reason is based on during the relaxed state of the client during the treatment, their immune system is able to operate smoothly.

With reiki we honour and trust that the physical and emotional healing is delivered with the highest intention to where the client needs to receive it. I found reiki in 2008 and since has given me a wonderful balance in life. If you would like to find out more please get in touch.


Emma Canham, works under the name of Emma Lannigan as author of belifehappy, life coach, Holistic Massage Therapist and Reiki Master Practitioner, MFHT. Emma works based from Market Deeping and has clients from Deeping St James, Stamford, Bourne, Peterborough and surrounding villages.


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