Perfect Imbalance
In conversation with Emma Lannigan
15 September 2018
Over the summer of 2018 I had my first podcast interview with Jeff Weigh, creator of the Perfect Imbalance Podcast and owner of Ignite Performance.
During the conversation you will learn more about Emma’s journey and her WHY for creating belifehappy. Here’s a quick taster.
Episode #015
“On this episode I interview the inspiring Emma Lannigan; author of the book belifehappy; give play love learn.
Emma is a mentor and coach working across the well-being and marketing sectors; having started out as a marketer.
She openly admits to not ‘fitting the model’ expected in the workplace during her career; being a strong, opinionated and passionate woman.
Emma shares with us her journey of long lasting change and how it’s OK to have more than one career (she’s doing it!).
She talks about how you may love your job (or career) at times but does it love you?!
Emma gives a personal account of what it was like to experience acute anxiety a depression in her early 20’s and some of the strategies that have helped her to overcome these.
She talks passionately about ‘belifehappy’ her first book and why it’s important for each of us to give some time each day or each week to; giving, playing, loving and learning.”
Emma Lannigan created belifehappy from a dream she had in 2008. She went on to create a blog which Jeff Weigh and other UK coaches and therapists contributed to during 2009/2010. Following her dream to write a book, Emma later transferred her work to create belifehappy: give play love learn – self published in 2015. The book is available on amazon and all major online book stores. Emma currently delivers an in person workshop based on belifehappy – Four Steps to Learn Happiness (for a lifetime). Look out for the online course coming soon!
Learn more about the belifehappy philosophy and four steps here