Passion in Your Business
Have you still got passion in your business? It’s most likely that those of you who are self employed and running your own business started out from a personal passion, talent or from valuable skills you learned and now share.
Passions can be fortuitous except for when we lose our connection to our passion because it’s now a business. Running a business of any size presents exciting opportunities and challenging changing technology. Keeping up to date with new upgrades and the best way to talk to your customers often creates more resistance than actually embracing change.
By now the passion in your business is buried somewhere between whether you really need to post on twitter (how many times a day!), is your website actually working and asking yourself where are my customers.
“Reconnecting with the passion in your business is like finding the light switch, turning it on and it being brighter than ever before.”
What was your why when you started your business?
Is your why super strong?
“You need a super strong why because having passion in your business today is so much more than branding; it’s personal, it’s about you.”
It’s about your reason and your passion in your business. A passion surrounded by values you can share with your customers, suppliers, contractors, team members and employees.
Reconnecting with passion in your business
When you’re not getting the results from your business and making decisions are harder than before, it can often be the case of just getting back the connection with your passion.
Plugging into your passion for the first time when you start your business or whether plugging back in, it is essential. (Whether you had lost the connection after being swamped by today’s marketing demands or, honestly you have been avoiding it!)
As a business owner if your passion is your business then checking in to make sure it is still your passion is worth the investment. When you reconnect to your passion you might even find or remember ideas you originally had that offer new opportunities for your business today.
If you’re self employed and you want to make your why super strong and get in control of marketing your business, Emma Lannigan is delivering a marketing workshop in April and also provides 1-1 marketing coaching.